How To Throw an Axe
axe throwing 101
So you’ve made the bold move to head over to the Axe Throwing range and the thought hits you, “how do you even throw an axe?!”
Don’t worry! When you come to Beards & Broads we provide a session with one of our skilled Axe-perts. Our goal is to make sure you have the basics before you throw for your first time, or if you need a crash course to refresh your memory.
The key elements of Axe Throwing can be found in the guide below and we are always here if you have any other questions or concerns.

Step 1: Safety first
A couple of safety measures before we start:
Check Your Surroundings
Ensure the area around you and the target is clear of people before attempting to throw the axe. That means, you shouldn’t throw an axe while some is by the target or walking towards it. The key is: “throw together, retrieve together.”
Don't Over Sharpen
Sharpening your axe will help it stick to the target much easier. This results in less potential danger to those around you, however, after you sharpen your axe, do not touch the blade directly with your fingers to avoid stitches – the sharper and thinner the profile of the axe, the easier it’ll stick.
The Right Grip
Be sure to have a firm grip similar to a baseball bat keeping the head of the axe as straight and perpendicular to the target as possible.
If the head is rotated it will cause the axe to fly sideways and make it less likely to stick the target.
Step 2: Axe Throwing Basics
What you need to get started:

Your Axe
Here at Beards & Broads we require all axes to meet WATL standards. The maximum weight of the axe must not exceed 3lbs and the max length can be no more than 19in. The blade of the axe cannot be longer than 4.25in and this is measured from tip to tip in a straight line.

The Target
Each target should be made of 3 layers of wood. The first layer covers the wall in plywood. The second layer is called the Backboards and they should be horizontal 2×10’s that are 4′ long. The third layer is called the Target boards. These are also 2×10’s, 4′ long mounted vertically with the target painted on the front.

A Lane
Each throwing lane consists of 2 targets. Fences or walls block the throwing area to keep everyone safe. Only two participating throwers and the axe throwing coach is allowed inside the lane at one time. A 10 foot minimum ceiling is recommended for safety reasons.
Two ways to throw:
Two Handed Over the Head
Grip the axe with both hands firmly, similar to holding a baseball bat.
Bring the axe straight up over your head as if you were throwing a basketball.
Visualize the target and where you wan to aim for.
Pull the axe forward and release your grip when your hands line up with where you were aiming to throw.
One Handed Over the Shoulder
Grip the axe with one hand and visualize the target. Put one foot forward and drop the axe down to your side past your thigh.
When the axe passes your thigh bring it back up quickly over your shoulder.
Pull the axe forward and release the grip as if you were throwing a baseball.
When your arm is parallel to the ground release your grip on the axe and allow your arm to follow through.
Pro tips
Do not allow your wrist to twist or attempt to use your fingers when throwing. Simply release your grip and let the axe’s momentum carry it forward.
Contrary to what you might think too much power can cause the axe to not rotate properly. This can cause the axe to bounce back instead of sticking into the target. So, don’t brute force it, instead throw with finesse and speed.
Be sure to combine a strong grip with your dominant hand a light grip with your non-dominant support hand. This helps prevent you from pushing the axe between your grips and causing it to turn in the air.

Book Now!
If you’re in the Harrisonburg area, book an axe throwing session for you and your friends. You will not forget this unique and exciting experience.
Beards & Broads
We are an official WATL Axe Throwing venue located in Harrisonburg, VA. We take walk-ins, private parties and we also rent out the facility for large groups and corporate events.
Be sure to visit our new location in Broadway!
Broadway, VA
Harrisonburg, VA